Home & Community Telehealth SIG

Don’t miss the discussion at our February meeting about Artificial Intelligence and how it’s being used in Behavioral and Mental Health Care, including Substance Use Disorder.

The Home & Community Telehealth SIG offers, through the use of subject matter experts within the SIG, educational offerings and tools to support areas of membership interest and networking opportunities.

Areas of interest include:
Guidance and support to individuals new to the industry, and to telehealth programs/providers seeking to expand their offerings. Our discussion topics are focused on:
– Improving quality of care delivery in home telehealth settings;
– Developing practice guidelines and protocols;
– Evaluating program / provider-based costs and benefits to create unique program/provider driver ROI;
– Engaging customers in using virtual care;
– Understanding cultural differences in health care and how that affects virtual care delivery and adherence; and
– Gathering resource information on available and evolving technologies for the home telehealth market.