Physician Training and Telehealth Engagement
Organizations that deliberately train clinicians on the effective use of telehealth see the greatest benefit.
Now that there is a focus on value-based medicine, better coordination of care and the application of technology are increasingly more important. This has led to evolving care delivery models and more inclusive approaches to how care is sought, delivered, and accessed. Telehealth is one such care model. Telehealth has been deployed in various forms for over three decades and proven its value in addressing multiple challenges associated with conventional care frameworks. Despite this track record, the industry continues to face a unique set of roadblocks to widespread adoption.
ATA hypothesizes that the organizations that have deliberately trained clinicians on the effective use of telehealth are the ones that see the greatest benefit and experience the most clinician buy-in. In this study, ATA will leverage ethnographic interviews with HCPs as well as a quantitative instrument to test this hypothesis.