Primary Care at the Frontlines of Value Based Care: How Virtual Primary Care Promotes More Effective Care Management, Improved Outcomes, and Cost Reduction

Primary care is often referred to as the quarterback of value-based care. With insurers and health systems across the United States working to roll out value-based care programs, optimizing primary care provisions is a key step toward their successful implementation. In this webinar we’ll discuss how virtual care can improve access to primary care, increase the ‘value’ in value-based care programs, and lead to better health outcomes and more cost reductions. In this webinar, Dr. Terry Ribbens, ACMIO / System Medical Director, CAE (Consumer Access and Experience) at St. Luke’s Health System, Brandi Clark, Vice President, Digital Care at OSF OnCall, and Stephanie Schmidt, Area Vice President of Payer & Provider Solutions at TytoCare discussed how they’re leveraging primary care as a core part of their value-based care programs, and how virtual care is playing a role in increasing access.