Telehealth is the Future

Janelle Fernandez, Senior Marketing Specialist
The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a massive change in the healthcare industry, including the acceleration of patient care in a remote format. Health plans, provider organizations and IT and content vendors have collaborated to establish new ways to enable provider access through video conferencing, remote monitoring, and wireless communications.
MTech Mobility is playing a key role in helping healthcare organizations develop and drive successful solutions for both temporary and long term use cases. We have seen hospitals and offices crack down on policies to keep patients and employees safe in their overall environments. These services have bettered the relationship between patient and doctor, as well as created a safe and realistic environment for each other. While many factors need to be considered, six must have components of any telehealth strategy are device selection, connectivity, content, logistics (deploy/retrieve), support and security.
There are many aspects to enabling a remote healthcare program including hardware, applications, connectivity, security, content management, deployment, support and management. Each one of these areas carriers its owns set of responsibilities and requirements including selection, timeline, goals and implementation. Companies sometimes overlook the importance of driving an optimal end-user experience, providing on demand support to patients and managing the retrieval and sanitization of the hardware and data.
Telehealth will continue to evolve as we continue to obtain more technology that only improves the experience and safety of everyone. It is imperative that organizations connect with the right partners for the various areas of importance, including a managed services provider that can manage all aspects of device deployment, retrieval, sanitization and data management.
About the Author:
Janelle Fernandez is a recent graduate from Lynn University in Boca Raton FL. She works for MTech Mobility as a Senior Marketing Specialist. She is a social media and digital media professional who is immersed in the creative industry.