Vision Helps Create the Future: eVisit Shares 2050 Vision of Telehealth
eVisit is proud to recently become a Level 5 ATA Member, a Platinum Sponsor of the ATA2021 event, and to participate with a keynote address delivered by our co-founder, CTO and on-staff futurist, Miles Romney, on June 8th.

Miles Romney, Co-Founder, CTO, and On-Staff Futurist
eVisit is well aligned with the ATA and its mission to advance telehealth, and most especially with its June conference theme: Telehealth is Health. The title of Miles’ presentation, Virtual Care IS Care, delivers a strong, parallel sentiment. In this presentation, Miles sets out to showcase a vivid picture 30 years into the future. He describes how proactive, holistic patient care is deployed – remotely – in our homes and through our morning showers-of-the-future.
Vision is powerful. It helps guide our planning and actions toward our goals. It provides a mental picture of the desired result so clear and strong that it helps make it real.
Romney also noted that no one company will create this future way forward. It will take a collaborative team of many organizations, leaders, companies and contributors, like those in the audience at the ATA conference.
Click here to listen to Miles’ call-to-action for others to drive toward the visionary future.
In addition to serving as our CTO, expertly leading our Product and Engineering teams, and driving the eVisit’s technology roadmap forward, Miles is also an author, presenter, and stage actor. He brought all these unique skills to this presentation, painting his vision for ATA2021 attendees where a modern shower stall, in our homes-of-the-future, is outfitted with an uber high-tech system involving AI, VR, an ocular or neurological implant interface, full-body CT scan, a myriad of instruments that gently check and catalog various personal health metrics and vitals, and a transdermal infuser that delivers a personalized cocktail of exactly what’s needed.
Click here to listen to Miles paint the picture of a future where shower stalls play a pivotal role in healthcare.
Create a Vision and Find Partners That Align
As leaders at HCOs evolve their Virtual Care strategy, be mindful of technology partners that share your vision and can unlock and enable it. When vetting potential telehealth partners, ask questions about their vision and mission and make sure their answers line up with your own.
Your telehealth partner’s vision is important because it influences everything about the way they design, execute, and deliver their product. Also, look at the questions potential partners ask you and your team. If they seem to be looking out for your strategy, goals and success, that’s a great sign. Tech partners that enhance and empower your strategies will help you achieve your long-term vision.
Get the Full Story
See Miles’ full 20-minute 2050 Vision presentation here.
About the Author
Mardi Larson is eVisit’s Director of Content, Research & Insights. She started her career in technology in the High-Performance Computing industry at Cray Research and since then has worked for B2B and B2C mature and start-up brands and businesses across a range of marketing and communications roles. She heads a team with a goal of sharing educational and informative content and best practices to advance Virtual Care and to help HCOs reap the benefit of operational excellence in their Virtual Care and hybrid care programs. Mardi’s career profile can be found at LinkedIn.